28 May 2024

We are thrilled to announce the well-deserved recognition of two esteemed researchers at KidsAbility, Dr. Michelle Phoenix and Dr. Samantha Noyek, who have been honoured with prestigious awards for their outstanding contributions to pediatric rehabilitation research. 

Dr. Michelle Phoenix, Adjunct Scientist at the Rocket Discovery Centre at KidsAbility, has been awarded the Outstanding Kid’s Brain Health Network Mentor/Supervisor Award for her exceptional dedication to mentorship and research in pediatric rehabilitation. Dr. Phoenix’s collaborative efforts with diverse partners ensure that our research aligns with community priorities, advancing children’s rehabilitation services. Her recent work includes co-creating a new Charter for equitable and inclusive co-creation, reflecting her commitment to improving the well-being of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities.

Dr. Samantha Noyek has been recognized with the Outstanding KBHN Promising Researcher Award for her remarkable contributions to pediatric rehabilitation research within the realm of Kid’s Brain Health. Dr. Noyek’s extensive research across multiple institutions and provinces underscores her steadfast commitment to enhancing the lives of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their families. Her recent studies have focused on exploring the lived experiences of pain in pediatric populations and conducting a systematic review of pain assessment in youth with brain-based developmental disabilities. This significantly advances our understanding and approach to addressing health challenges in this vulnerable population.

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Phoenix and Dr. Noyek on these well-deserved accolades which emphasize KidsAbility’s unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence in pediatric rehabilitation research within the Kid’s Brain Health Network.

Read more about the Kid’s Brain Health Awards here.