5 July 2024

Like so many in our community, Suk Bedi has a personal connection to KidsAbility, and he brings his expertise as a Director of Governance, Risk & Compliance Services at KPMG LLP to serve as a KidsAbility Foundation Board Member.

When we identified that our KidsAbility Waterloo playground was in need of replacing, we launched the Come Play with Us playground campaign. Suk shares why he and his family were inspired to give.

“My wife Jan and I believe in the importance of providing inclusive and accessible spaces for everyone in our community to enjoy. My daughter Harbani is eight and active in sports, and my four-year-old Kabir enjoys playgrounds.  As a family, we value equality and wanted to contribute to creating a space where children of all abilities can play together without limitations.

Giving as a family reflects our shared values and commitment to making a positive impact in our community. It’s a way for us to support causes that align with our beliefs and lead by example. By contributing we hope to instill the value of generosity and empathy in our children while making a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

Central to these values is Jan who is currently pursuing a fellowship in Vision Therapy, a specialized field of Optometry and her role as an optometrist, because she too is driven by a passion for helping children, especially those facing vision impairments. Her professional expertise and personal dedication underscore our family’s deep-rooted commitment to supporting initiatives that enhance the well-being and opportunities of children in the community.

We chose to give a gift amount ended with an extra $1. In the Sikh, South Asian culture, when giving a donation, it’s common to avoid even numbers and instead add an extra dollar or any other small amount to make the total an odd number. This is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the intended recipient, in this instance, to KidsAbility. The gesture symbolizes an extended generosity in wishing the future beneficiaries of the playground as well.

My parents and extended family made it possible for my generation to be able to give back with the values they instilled in us. Last summer, I brought my father to KidsAbility so he could see the organization I support through volunteering. When we asked for the (playground) signage to read, “The Bedi Family”, the intent was to honour the three generations, and 50 years, of Bedi’s living in Waterloo Region.”

Suk Bedi, husband, father, board member and friend of KidsAbility

The sole mission of KidsAbility Foundation is to raise awareness and funds for children, youth and their families supported by KidsAbility services. If you would like to know more about funding areas of the greatest need, please email Paige Phillips, Senior Development Manager, KidsAbility Foundation.