
Leave a Legacy

Build your Legacy today, for tomorrow.

Create a powerful philanthropic gift to the future of local children and youth by including KidsAbility in your estate planning.

By planning today, you help transform the lives of children and youth with disabilities now and for the future, while also creating an enduring charitable legacy for yourself or your family.

Additionally, a gift to KidsAbility allows you to optimize your tax advantages and fulfill your financial planning objectives.

KidsAbility Centre for Child Development Foundation
Charitable Number: 89094 3673 RR0001

Bequest in Will – Transform the future for children with disabilities and ensure your legacy lives on for generations by including a simple clause to include KidsAbility Foundation in your Will.

You will receive a tax receipt for your donation, which may help reduce capital gains or other estate-related financial obligations. We are happy to provide a sample clause you can add to your Will.

Securities – Empower KidsAbility by donating stocks, mutual funds, or other marketable securities. You may enjoy tax benefits, including exemptions from capital gains taxes and you’ll receive a full tax receipt for your generous contribution.

Life Insurance – Unlock the power of life insurance to make a significant impact on KidsAbility’s mission for the relatively low cost of the premium payments. You have options – donate an existing policy, designate KidsAbility Foundation as a beneficiary in a joint policy with your partner, or acquire a new policy for your generous donation.

RRSP/RRIF/TFSA – Secure KidsAbility’s future while optimizing your estate planning with your retirement funds. By naming KidsAbility Foundation as a beneficiary, you benefit from:

  • Continued fund ownership.
  • Tax receipts for the full amount.
  • Avoidance of probate fees.
  • Lower estate taxes for your legacy.

Discover the advantages of legacy giving for both you and KidsAbility:

  • Tax Benefits: By including KidsAbility Foundation in your Will, you can lower estate taxes depending on the type of asset chosen.
  • Flexibility: Leave a specific amount, a percentage, or a portion of your estate as your legacy gift. The choice is yours.
  • Peace of mind: Modify your legacy gift as needed, providing you flexibility and assurance.
  • Cost-effective: Legacy giving never impacts your current income, and there are no additional expenses to you.

Following these four steps will ensure a smooth and uncomplicated legacy giving process:

  1. Speak to your professional advisors. As experts, your financial advisor, lawyer and/or accountant will have knowledge to advise on the complete process. 
  2. Family Discussion: Discuss your Legacy Giving intentions with your loved ones to ensure transparency and understanding.
  3. Update Your Will: Work with your legal advisor to amend your Will, specifying the percentage, specific amount, or residue of your estate for KidsAbility Foundation.
  4. Inform Us: While it’s not obligatory to disclose details, informing us about your decision allows us to ensure your wishes are reflected and planned for in the most effective use of your generous gift.

Your values should be reflected in your philanthropic decisions, knowing your giving intentions will also leave your loved ones supported.

We have designed a Q&A to answer those questions and others. At KidsAbility, we are here to support your decision. Your gift, no matter the size, has the power to transform children’s lives.

How can I leave a legacy for KidsAbility Foundation?

Speak to your professional advisors. As experts, your financial advisor, lawyer and/or accountant will have knowledge to advise on the complete process and what is the right type of gift for you.

When should I begin?

There is no set stage in life when you may begin to consider creating your legacy. Some individuals may be guided by life events. For others, having a specific timeframe in mind such as purchasing a home, starting a family, or retirement are all reasons to begin discussing with their financial experts.  As little as one conversation with your trusted advisors is all it takes to set up your bequest.  

Do I need to have wealth to leave a legacy?

At KidsAbility, your legacy gift aligns with your values, not your pocketbook. Individuals of all financial backgrounds hold our mission dear to their heart, contributing as they can to empower children and youth to realize their full potential. Your gift, no matter the size, has the power to transform children’s lives.

Can I specify how I would like my gift to benefit KidsAbility?

To keep pace with the demands and urgency of a growing community, we strive to meet the greatest need at the time we receive your gift. In doing so, we ensure we provide the best possible support and care for children, youth and their families.

Is my gift private?

When you inform us of your wishes to remain private, we can ensure that your legacy gift is anonymous.

Can I make changes to my gift at any time?

Absolutely! You can adjust your giving as needed. We always appreciate knowing your intentions to give to KidsAbility Foundation, however, you do not need to disclose the type of gift.

How do I begin my legacy journey with KidsAbility?

To begin, speak to your professional advisors, discuss your intentions with your loved ones, and update your Will. We invite you to connect with us when you have planned your gift, or if you have further questions. Be assured, all discussions are in full confidentiality, offered with no obligations. We are here to help.

How will KidsAbility acknowledge my gift?

We will publish your name and gift amount in our annual Gratitude Report unless you inform us that you wish to be anonymous.